Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Thunder & lightning. Loud & gorgeous out my window. Love the slow, long growl of the thunder, then the sharp, crack of light. A flash in the dark, illuminating the blackness, for a second. Then it is gone. The rain is pouring down. Washing away the pollen and dust of spring.

Today the jacarandas rained purple flowers down on me as I waited for my kids after school. The poor bees dodged feet as they tried to find the last of the pollen from the fallen blooms. They seemed lost.

My final observation for the day is the weird thing my dog does when we go for a walk. At the end of our street we cross the road to the opposite footpath. There is a small historic cemetery and one house. Then there is a large road to cross the the parklands. This is the weird part, we get to the end of the street & she won't walk on the opposite footpath. Refuses. Lies down. Digs her paws in. Can't budge her. The only way she will walk down to the park is on the road, once she is at the curb of the larger road she is fine, until we get back to the same spot. Weird, huh? Any thoughts?

sparkle & twirl with flashes of light-ning...

1 comment:

Teena said...

maybe a big fierce dog has marked their territory on the other side of the road ...