Sunday, May 2, 2010

life is a walk in the park.....

who ever said it must have walked in parks a lot. it surely is a glorious thing to be able to do. autumn is my most favourite time of year. just lovely. today we spent lunch with my brother's family then went to the park. the kids rode their bikes, climbed trees, fed the ducks and played in the play ground. all of life is in the few kilometers walked. joys, tears, falls, tenacity, persistence, togetherness, personal achievement, trying new things, challenges, love, laughter and tiredness from the long walk home. Ahh, life really is a walk in the park. Can't wait to go again next weekend.
i am so grateful for the gifts of today and i receive them with a smile.
sparkle on kids

1 comment:

Shelby and Bev said...

thank you for visiting my blog, and your encouraging words...i so love your post for the 2nd...i will be visiting again, like what i see!....