Sunday, January 3, 2010


Another new beginning....
As i approach my 40th year i feel a sense of preparation. I must be a grown up now.
some of my choices and my self perception seem adolescently unhelpful to my being able to live fully in my life.
do i have my shit together? Not really. Some days are better than others.
overall i believe i am holding ME back from living a joyfilled-alive-compassionate-loving-life that has a depth which excites me and propels me.
i want to uncover the junk i carry emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. lighten my load by healing the tender spots and letting go of that which no longer works for me but against me.
so that i may play, dance and run open armed towards those i love. i find myself too often pushing away those i love. this makes be feel sad?
So I think i will be leaping into health-full-ness, conscious living, open-hearted, vulnerably-fragile discomfort, this year. i am nervous. but here i go.....
*twirl on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

reflexology finds the tender spots and applies gentle and persistent pressure to eventually release the tension ... the trick is in withstanding the pressure until the release comes ...

my prayers are with you on your journey and how will you celebrate your success in years end??

love ya TKJ