Sunday, September 9, 2012

Falling for......


coming from France i found Italy to be less
i had become comfortable with "Oui", "Merci", and "Pardon"

now i have to switch to "Caio", "Grazie" and "Scuzzi"......
Rome looked similar to Paris but different.
But what is it?
The reverence or reverie is in buildings here in Rome. 
Paris is more romantic. Creamy. Hence my love for their cheese and butter etc....
Rome is gelati. The colours of the buildings  remind me of every colour of ice-cream.
With this my love affair begins........

Sunday morning we set off to the Catholic church mecca of the Western word. We navigated our way throughout the Metro, the throngs of tourists, only to turn around as the boy had a really bad tummy.
We were deflated. I was sad. This wasn't how this was meant to be. 
Bye Vatican.

So we headed back. 
As we stopped, rested and sat for a bit, he would feel better. 
I felt so sorry for him.

We made our way back via the Spanish Steps, morning tea and The Trevi Fountain.

It is important to make wishes, whenever you can......

As we headed back to the hotel, we walked past one of those open bus tour places. No one in there so we chat to the girl. Decision made, to travel by bus to see the city.
This was quite fortunate as this was the angels way of letting us explore the city with a kids who was doing it tough. Our ticket was for 3-8pm. Excellent.
We went back to the hotel for a rest and to cool down. Thirty degrees in a big old city is very hot.
We set out and got on the bus. It had a canopy, so it was not too hot. Quite cool and breezy, actually. 
My mood had lifted, and we enjoyed seeing lots of "old stuff".

Our bus broke down. Strangely it was at the Vatican. 
Our morning visit had been unsuccessful but now it seemed magic........

I felt like this travelling gig had become bit heavy.

This changed in an instant.

When you walk toward the light, with love and
surrender to the vulnerability you feel, small, significant miracles are possible. 

Today God was in the house, people.....
The service was playing amazing music, the place was quiet, it was .....
get the picture?

of course my wish for the boy was realised
and i know why i was so sad this morning, 
because i would have missed what i did not have to, in the end.
 I was lifted by the angels
This vist was better than it might have been in the morning.
The buses breakdown was my break-through.

 Cherubs with cherubs......

 Guarding the light....

 We are always being watched over and guided to our highest potential.

 Signs are everywhere....
Showing me the way, all the time......

Life is good..... 
I am on holidays, with my family, having the adventure of a lifetime.....

A full day of heart break and reverie.....

What a great way to start a love affair for life....

*Sparkle & twirL*

ps everyone is well and asleep.... xxxx

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