Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Painting in red...

 Love these paintings i did tonight.
Refreshed some old ones with some new skills, techniques and depth.
Not loving my blurry photography, but wanted to show you.
Better colour in real life.
 You get the idea.
There is a 4th, but the nail fell out of the wall.
This is life.
So they sit above the red couches in the lounge room.
Needed to paint something out.
Not usually my colour palette, but not a great day.
The Moonlight Market i have been preping for all week may be rained out….mmmm
i invited the mothers from my daughters class over 2morro night and maybe 4 will come….mmmm
so instead of folding mountains of washing, doing dishes & tidying the house, 
i painted.
what  a great choice.
what a blessed life i do have.
 to the creative force and allow each event to be what it is.
like these paintings you can't see the details,
and the details for me need to be more blurry.
blurry is ok, soft around the edges, rained out and red are all necessary.
Breathe deeply.

*sparkle & twirl

1 comment:

Teena said...

love your poppies ...