Sunday, January 4, 2009

word for the year.....

Woman of Worlds
You are the mother , the preserver of of young lifethrough its creation and nurturing. You preserve life by providing the home in which the young cangrow in love, security and comfort. Gifted in the homemaking arts, create the essential life support system of shelter, food, clothing and tools.
You are the keeper of tradition. Maintain the social fabric of home and family. Conserve the arts by practicing them. Preserve the body through proper nutrition and exercise. Express yourself through your body with sensuality and grace. Your fertility symbolises your robust physical health. Also protect the earth-body by helping to keep the natural ecology healthy.
-Voyager Tarot -James Wanless

i got the idea to make this my word for 2009 from Ali.
Have a look at all the other words other people have chosen. Amazing.
What's your word?

One of family traditions is on New Years Day we all venture to Our Madam Suzutzka's home in the hills and share more food, wine and headaches, but also to draw a card from her Voyager Deck. Preserver is the card i drew. And it seems to be obvious to focus on this word, its qualities and activities over the next 12 months. Quality not quantity will be the essence of this creative pursuit.
may the new year bring inspired energy to all that we are.....


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